
Look forward to your farm holiday close to the Alpe di Siusi!

Welcome to your cosy holiday home in Castelrotto! Our charming farm is surrounded by beautiful green meadows and invites you and your family to an unforgettable and relaxing vacation. The sunny and quiet secluded location and the magnificent views of the mighty Mount Sciliar will make sure that in no time you may forget your often hectic everyday life. Around our farm and in the immediate vicinity, countless beautiful leisure opportunities are waiting for you, so your farm holiday close to the Alpe di Siusi will be a truly wonderful experience.

Enjoy an unforgettable farm holiday on the sunny hillside above Seis – Castelrotto!


Neubau Laufstall

Our new paddock at the farm Paten

Hurray, we’re done! Dear holiday guests, we are very pleased to inform you that we finally realized our heart project. Our new paddock is now ready.

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With the help of many hard-working craftsmen, to whom we would like to say a huge thank you, we have managed to create a bright, animal-friendly home for our cows and calves, where our animals can move freely, bask in the sun, feel the fresh air and, above all, they can live according to their needs. We would very much like to share this heartfelt project with you and we would be delighted if you would follow us on our Instagram page and perhaps visit us at our farm godparents sometime.


At the same time, we would like to thank all those guests who spent their vacation with us this year during the construction phase. Thank you very much for your trust, understanding, and patience. You contributed a small part to turning this project into reality!

A felt thank you!!!


6 good reasons for your farm holidays

Apartments with view of Mount Sciliar
children's vacation-farm-kastelruth-seiser-alm
Fun and adventures for the entire family
Farm breakfast and delicious farm products


on our farm

Dinner with South Tyrolean specialities
Alpine holidays in the Dolomites
Unique winter magic on the Alpe di Siusi

Your vacation in the heart of the of the Dolomites

Our farm „Paten“ is located in St. Valentin, the sunny side of the municipality of Castelrotto. From the nearby village Seis at the foot of the mountain Schlern, only 1,5 miles ( 2,5 km) away from our home, you can easily get to the holiday region “Seiser Alm” by cableway. Seis is reachable by car in 5 minutes, by foot in 15 minutes or comfortably by public transfer in about 10 minutes.
You will be excited by the wideness and diversity of the prettiest high alp of South Tyrol in the midst of the Dolomite Mountains. Experience this special adventure on a farm holiday in Castelrotto. Our farm is an ideal destination for families. Explore our family oriented farm. Discover our way of life, get to know our animals and perhaps you will get the chance to enjoy the birth of a calf. But definitely let us surprise you with Grandma’s South Tyrolean kitchen.

Especially your kids will enjoy our farm with various wonderful, almost traffic free, walkways to Seis and Castelrotto, where all year long great playgrounds are waiting for them to be explored as well as a kids’ snow park with an ice- skating rink during the winter season. The surrounding villages offer you a variety of delicious traditional Restaurants with regional dishes of South Tyrol, and the diversity of shops and stores don’t lack any holiday conveniences. Our meadows and the well cared landscape of the vacation region “Alpe di Siusi“, a small part of South Tyrol in the heart of the Dolomite Mountains , will enchant you!



Your holiday apartment in Castelrotto: Enjoy the peaceful ambiance on our farm!

Our five holiday apartments are furnished in a comfortable and natural design. The well-being of our guests is very important to us; our endeavour is to offer you a truly peaceful, relaxing and exciting stay. Of course you may prepare your own meals in your apartment – anyhow, we will be happy to serve you a farm breakfast or an enjoyable dinner with traditional dishes from South Tyrol! Ultimately, a farm holiday close to the Alpe di Siusi will be also a culinary experience for you!

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vacation farm-paten


Farm holidays in Castelrotto: a look into the past

Back in the year 1230, the name “Paten” was first mentioned in a document. Over the following centuries, the farm “Paten” was managed by different owners; today, the exact ancestral sequence can be very precisely traced back to the 19th century. Our grandfather Albert took over the farm from his parents in 1978. Two years earlier he had married Maria Anna, from the marriage came four children. Today Ingemar & Evelyn, together with their four daughters, Lena, Sophia, and Marie and Hannah manage the farm.


Traditions at the farm in Castelrotto – South Tyrol

At our farm, religious and secular customs accompany us all year round and have a special place in our hearts. These rituals recur every year.


Die bekannteste Rauhnacht am 5. Januar:
Gemeinsam mit allen Familienmitgliedern ziehen wir betend mit dem Rauchfass und dem „Königswasser“ durch alle Räume der Häuser, in den Stall, um den Hof und in den Stadel. Segnend und räuchernd beschriften wir alle Türen mit C+M+B und mit der Jahreszahl. Besuch der „Heiligen der Könige“.

„Liachtmess“ am 2. Februar:
Beginn des Südtiroler Bauernjahres.

14. Februar:
„St. Valentin“ Kirchtag mit Familie und Freunden.

Gemeinsam besuchen wir die Messe/Empfangen des Aschenkreuzes.

Maria Verkündigung am 25. März:
Die Schwalben kehren am Hof zurück.

Palmbuschen werden gebunden und bei der Palmprozession gesegnet. Anschließend werden sie dann an die Kreuze im Haus und an den Gartenzäunen aufgehängt.

Gemeinsames Eierfärben mit Kräutern und Blumen/Prozession zum „Kofel“.

Backen vom Osternbrot „Fochatz“ und Zubereiten der Osterspeisen, welche in der Osternacht geweiht werden und wir schmücken den Osterstrauch.


Zwischen 30. April und 1. Mai kommen uns die „Moidnpfeifer“ (Musikgruppe) besuchen. Sie gehen durch die Wiesen des Bauern und man sagt, das bringt Glück.

Prozessionen zu Fronleichnam
und zum Kastelruther Kirchweihfest „Peter und Paul“, an welchen wir unsere Tracht tragen.

Maria Himmelfahrt am 15. August:
Gemeinsam binden wir Kräutersträuße, in unserem Dialekt „Kraiterbuschen“. In der Kirche werden sie anschließend geweiht und sollen vor allem Gesundheit und Glück bringen. Wir verwenden die getrockneten Kräuter dann das ganze Jahr hindurch für verschiedene Tees und in den Raunächten als Räuchermischung.

Wir begehen das Dankfest nach der Ernte im Herbst mit einer Prozession in unserer traditionellen Tracht und nehmen unser vorbereitetes Erntekörbchen mit.

Wir bereiten den Grabschmuck vor, bevor wir anschließend zum Friedhof gehen und backen die süßen „Hasen und Hennen“ als Patengeschenke für die Kinder.

Fest des heiligen Martin “ Martini“ am 11. November:
Wir basteln Laternen und besuchen gemeinsam mit den Kindern den Martinsumzug.

Barbaratag am 4. Dezember:
Wir holen einen Kirschbaumzweig (Barbarazweig) und stellen ihn ins Wasser, damit er an Weihnachten blüht.

Nikolaus am 6. Dezember:
Die Teller werden aufgestellt, da uns der Nikolaus besucht, um kleine Geschenke zu bringen.

Der Adventskranz wird gebunden, Weihnachtsplätzchen werden gebacken, ein Adventskalender wird gebastelt, der Christbaum wird geholt und geschmückt und die Krippe wird aufgestellt.

Heiliger Abend:
Wird gemeinsam in der Familie verbracht.

Mit Harzen und Kräutern räuchern wir immer wieder für das körperliche und seelische Wohl.

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Farm Paten – Meet your host family

Our farm is a small family business – Ingemar & Evelyn work together with their four daughters, Lena, Sophia, Marie and Hannah, as well as with Grandmother Maria Anna and Grandfather Albert. With plenty of love and genuine enthusiasm for our animals, for the many flowers in our garden and for the beautiful nature, every day we fulfil all the small and big tasks around our farm.


Guests are always welcome on our farm. Feel right at home here with us: We take time for you and are here for you, so you may experience an absolutely enjoyable and relaxing holiday amidst the unique nature. Of course, we make our best effort to meet your needs and make your stay as pleasant and entertaining as possible. In our peaceful ambiance, there is no space for hustle and bustle; here, you may heavenly unwind and recharge your batteries for your everyday life.

Ingemar - the farmer

I am Ingemar. I am the farmer and I take care of the cows, twice a day they are feed and milked in the cowshed. In the summer months me and my family work the fields, harvest and make hay. In the winter months we collect fire wood from our forest. In my spare time I like hiking and in winter I enjoy skiing on the Seiser Alm. 


Evelyn - mother of four cute girls

I am Evelyn, mother of four cute girls and a farmer’s wife with heart and soul. With all of my heart I take care of our guests and our apartments, in order to make you feel comfortable and right at home. I love our animals and I enjoy taking care of the garden, our flowers and herbs. In my spare time I like spending time with my family, I enjoy hiking and sports. Your visit would make us very happy.


Die 4 Kinder Lena, Sophia, Marie und Hannah

Lena - the oldest of the four girls
My name is Lena. I am the oldest of the four girls. I play the „German Flute“. I also help my Grandma to prepare breakfast and dinner for our guests. In my spare time I just like to jump and play on our grounds.


Sophia - the soccer player
My name is Sophia. I am the soccer player of the family. I also take care of the small farm animals. I feed the rabbits and lead the goats to the meadows. However, the most I enjoy jumping around in the hay in summer!


Marie - my favorite animals are the cats and the cows
My name is Marie. My favorite animals are the cats and the cows. I often accompany my Daddy to the cowshed, where I help him to milk the cows, but even more I like to play with the kittens.


Hannah - the youngest child of the family
And I am Hannah, the youngest child of the family. I help my Mummy to water the plants and flowers in the garden and I often check the chicken house, if there are any fresh eggs for us. I like to play in the sandbox, but the most I enjoy a tractor ride with my Daddy.



Your most frequently asked questions about your farm holidays

Are there fresh bread rolls in the morning?

Yes, every morning we provide fresh bread rolls for your perfect start into your vacation day. You may decide whether you wish to have breakfast in our cosy breakfast room or whether you prefer to take advantage of our bread delivery service and enjoy breakfast in the private ambiance of your own holiday apartment.

fresh bread rolls

Can we buy your farm products?

Yes, as guests of the farm Patenerhof, you are very welcome to purchase our farm products. In our Product Corner you will certainly find a nice souvenir to take home with you, such as homemade juices, syrups, and jams, as well as eggs from our free-range chickens.

farm products

Do you have Wi-Fi?

Yes, if you can't do without the internet during your vacation, you may use our Wi-Fi for a fee of € 10.00 per week.


Is there a place to do our laundry?

Yes, you are welcome to use our laundry and drying service for a small fee of € 5.00 per wash.


Do you offer breakfast?

Yes, we offer our guests at the farm Patenerhof a breakfast with regional and mainly homemade and farm-produced products.

breakfast and/or dinner

Are there shopping facilities and restaurants close-by?

Yes, in 5 minutes by car, you may reach grocery stores and other shopping facilities in Castelrotto. The restaurant / pizzeria "Zum Woscht" in Siusi can be reached in 5 minutes by car or a short 30-minute walk, just like the café / restaurant "Saalstuben" in Castelrotto. You may find more tips in our Farm Folder and we will be happy to advise you personally.


What are the most famous attractions near the farm?

The most famous attraction in our region, the hiking and skiing area Alpe di Siusi, is virtually right on our doorstep. A 30-minute walk away, in the village centre of Castelrotto, there is the Traditional Costumes Museum and the Spatzen Museum, which is dedicated to the most famous inhabitants of the village, the folk group Kastelruther Spatzen. You can climb the 82-meter church tower with a guided tower tour. Those who are interested in aromatic herbs will find a true paradise with over 500 varieties at the farm Pflegerhof, a 10-minute drive away.

Alpe di Siusi


of the Farm Paten in Castelrotto
